
WeHoP Finish Freight Rates

We’ve delivered plants for over twenty-five years!

We strive to keep costs low while keeping your plants in excellent condition.  

We’re your eyes and your representative at pickup, and we take that seriously. We’ll contact you from the pickup location if we have ANY questions or concerns about your plants. Third-party freight will not do that.



Living plants come in all sizes and shapes, and we love that! But sometimes, those shapes and sizes require more TLC than usual to deliver. 

Additional freight/handling charges can occur with:

  • Very wide or delicate plants that require additional packing
    • examples include: tall specimen Cactus, wide Agaves or Aloes, delicate, staked flowering plants
  • plants above 8-9′ that must be transported at an angle


We’ll give you freight quote on anything unusual.

Freight is charged separate from the plant cost, except where specifically noted. Prices are subject to change.


2025 WeHoP Finish Freight Rates*

For these vendors/products:

  • Citrus/Olives
  • San Marcos Growers
  • Monterey Bay Nursery
  • Grigg’s Nursery
  • Los Arroyos Nursery
  • GSN Starter Plants

*Freight for Succulents/Cactus & Monterey Bay Nsy flatted product is included in price. 



















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