Some of you know us by different names…
We’ve streamlined: one company, one website
WeHoP & Petula were always sister companies.
The same folks have always been answering the phone, processing orders, scouting for plants in CA and delivering them to your door. Now, we’ve streamlined everything onto one company, one website. You’ll find everything you need, from liners to finish, at
WeHoP’s Petula Plants
We specialize in the unique: all sizes of CA drought-tolerant natives, eye-popping tropicals, cacti and colored-up succulents.
Are you looking for?
Non-commodity plants to increase margins
Plants to make customers say WOW
Low minimums, high variety (no need for a semi load)
“We need something different to stay competitive.”
Specific large sized plants for a garden design or display
Unique plants for high-end containers
Succulents in all shapes & sizes
Tropicals and other unique blooming annuals
Australian drought tolerant trees & shrubs
Edibles, Herbs & Veggies
“I want the plants I need, not alot of extras just to fill a minimum.”
WeHoP’s Petula Plants offers quantities that make sense for independents. Our low delivery minimum is $500 to bring plants to your door (E. WA/ID is $750, MT is $1000), so you can focus on the exact plants you need, instead of beefing up quantities to fill minimums. You can mix vendors and combine ANY product (liners & finish) to reach the minimum for delivery.
“What about variety?”
You have access to thousands of plants on a regular basis from February – June. Plants that don’t ship easily, but travel wonderfully on our climate controlled truck.
2” pots all the way up to 24” box trees .
We deliver all over the Pacific Northwest, including Washington, Oregon, northern Idaho & Missoula, Montana.